
DCR engage in rigorous pre-employment assessments to ensure a high quality pool of contracted staff are available, suitably inducted, skilled and ticketed for the task required, are safety aware, and are work ready upon commencement.

We understand that for the requirements of construction and engineering projects, supplementary labour is crucial to day-to-day operations and effective pre-employment suitability assessment of these contractors will play a big part in project performance outcomes.

All potential DCR Candidates must have completed the DCR Application Process before commencing any work. DCR use this to not only assess a Candidates qualifications, work history, inductions, licenses and suitability, but also to give each individual applicant an understanding of our company and potential client specific work environment. The application forms include important personal information on Candidates that the DCR staff will require in order to process weekly pays and send employee payslips.

All prospective DCR employees are required to provide a minimum of three (3) work-related references. Background checks play an important role in our recruitment process as previous onsite work performance is an important predictor in determining future onsite work performance, including compliance.

DCR facilitate pre-employment medical suitability testing for all employees prior to engagement. Medical suitability testing will include physical, drug and alcohol, vision, and audiometry testing as a minimum.

DCR pre-employment examinations are designed to provide information on an individual’s heath status against specifically designed criteria;

  • Experts who remain abreast of changes in standards, anti-discrimination policy and Privacy Laws
  • National consistency which ensures assessments are meeting pre-determined standards
  • National consistency which allows for policy change implementation from one phone call
  • National consistency which means all customer service people understand the requirements for appointment making, file handling and invoice dispatch
  • Conducted by professionals who understand legislation and the workplace requirements
  • Quality assurance that assessments processes are under constant review and audit

Medical screening will be re-conducted every 12 months after initial date of engagement for onsite DCR employees.